GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region


Welcome to Greenway Junior School PTA!

As a parent or carer of a child at the school you are automatically a member of our Parent Teacher Association. We hope the following information will give you some idea of who we are, what we do for your children (and you) at the school and how you can get involved.

Who are we?

We are a registered charity made up of a small team of Parents/ Carers and we are all volunteers. There are currently 10 of us on the committee including the current Chair - Damian (Yr6 parent) and Treasurer - Alex (Yr4 parent).

We are always looking for more members on the committee and / or at events. If you think you can help us or would just like to meet other parents/ carers at the school email us at  or leave a message at the school office. You can also volunteer to help at specific events using PTASocial (details below).

Why not join us for our next meeting, have a chat & a cuppa and find out who we are & what we are planning for the rest of this year?

What do we do?

Our main aim is to run fun events for your children, and also for you to enjoy, whilst at the same time raising money for the school.

We have run Summer fetes, Christmas fetes, termly discos, ice-cream Fridays, Pancake sales and adult quiz nights.  We would love your ideas and help to do more. Since we began in September 2015, we have raised over £31,000. This has been spent on computers, tablets and the tricky trail outdoor equipment. These are things that without the PTA or parent/carer support the school would struggle to afford.

Our current target is to fundraise towards more outdoor equipment, which your children will be able to enjoy. Already this year, we have also been able to provide the School Council (child led) with £500 to spend on things they think will benefit their peers in the playground.

Key Links/Information

PTA Social

Our one-stop-shop for purchasing tickets, volunteering for events and buying upcoming merchandise. Please remember that tickets for events will close at 16:00 the day before the event (including tickets for children of volunteers).

Volunteers must also be registered to help one week in advance.

Easy Fundraising

Free money! Yes, free money for the PTA.

If you shop online EasyFundraising allows you to turn your online shopping into free donations for us! All you have to do is sign up (for free) at the link above (choose Greenway Academy PTA for your cause). Then, when you start your online shopping, simply visit easyfundraising first and shop as normal.

There are 3,586 retailers to choose from including eBay, amazon, Sainsbury’s and John Lewis! When you shop via Easyfundraising we receive free donations – it doesn’t cost you or us anything so please sign up and start shopping.......